Ecomdy Media is a better place to start opening and selling on TikTok

TikTok's leading partner based in Vietnam helps TikTok Shop sellers from newbies to professionals grow revenue with TikTok Ads and attractive white-listing features only available at Ecomdy Media.

Comparison between self-served advertising accounts and TikTok Ads Agency accounts

Self-served advertising accounts

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No support, advice with TikTok team

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Ads are not prioritized

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Not updated with the latest features

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Not optimizing ad performance

icon X tiktok shop

Only works in local market

icon X tiktok shop

Add card manually, keep money in ad account when not using anymore.

TikTok Ads Agency account

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Get advices and solution for stable account operation

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Ads are prioritized, better spending, get approved more easily

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Provide a video ad creative library, an ad video creation tool, helping you to quickly access how to make the content suitable for the platform.

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Open special features (TikTok Shop: Limited to 100 orders, Shopping Ads, Live PC; Landing Page: Display card, Deeplink, ..)

icon V tiktok shop

Target full +55 markets, including all major markets such as US, EU, CA, UK…

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The remaining budget you can withdraw as soon as there is no need to continue running.

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Fast deposit/withdrawal via Ecomdy platform

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Get direct support from the TikTok team when problems arise such as Ads are not approved, do not spending money, do not issue orders, ...

Service packages for sellers on TikTok Shop

1. Consult and troubleshoot all TikTok Ads issues, 1:1 support by TikTok Team

First deposit 200$


Spending reaches 500$


Spending reaches 1000$


2. Free to open Shopping Ads feature (Live Shopping Ads and Video Shopping Ads)

First deposit 200$


Spending reaches 500$


Spending reaches 1000$


3. Free open limit of 100 orders

First deposit 200$


Spending reaches 500$


Spending reaches 1000$


4. Free to open the Live PC feature

First deposit 200$


Spending reaches 500$


Spending reaches 1000$


5. Team Ecomdy directly test and run Ads for you

First deposit 200$


Spending reaches 500$


Spending reaches 1000$


tiktok shop

Store management package, troubleshoot all problems in the first month of operation

Frequent Questions

1. Why is my account not granted the Shopping Ads or Live PC feature, but I have to contact the agency?
2. Why the amount of each deposit must be at least 200$. I don't run out of this amount, can I get a refund?
3. What is Ecomdy Platform? How do I deposit money there?
4. Through which channel will Ecomdy Media support me?
5. How does Ecomdy Media open the white-list features of TikTok Shop?
6. If my ad account is locked, can I get a refund?
7. I have never run TikTok Ads, does Ecomdy support running Ads for customers?

* Ecomdy TikTok Shop now only available for Vietnam and UK. Please contact for more detail.

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Ecomdy Media - The best official TikTok Agency for Ecommerce.


HQ: 55 Le Quang Hoa - Danang - Vietnam



- 102 E Healey St #317 - Champaign, IL 61820, USA

- Mehdi Tower, Sharah e Faisal Rd, Karachi East, Pakistan

For business opportunity:

Phạm Trung Nghĩa - [email protected]

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