Conquering TikTok Ads with Ecomdy Platform


Monthly active users




Automatically created every month


YoY growth

What is our key result?

key result platform

Ad accounts

250+ New ad accounts created monthly

key result platform


85% Advertiser onboarding time shortened

key result platform

Growth of clients

350% YoY growth of clients

key result platform

Advertising cost

240% YoY growth of advertising cost

key result platform

Advertising Tools

Specialized tools to optimize advertising effectiveness for your business.

key result platform

Average response

30 minutes Average response time

The Objective

Ecomdy Media is a leading, official, and strategic TikTok Agency Partner in the Ecommerce business based in Vietnam. Our vision is to become an agency with the best quality and a reliable companion with customers in the Ecommerce community.

Ecomdy Media helps advertisers from various countries and time zones start advertising on TikTok. They require immediate assistance and are willing to overcome all obstacles and timezone issues in order to work with us. Therefore, we cannot keep customers waiting for long periods of time and can only provide support through human resources.

Furthermore, the majority of Ecomdy Media's clients are local SMEs, quality control is extremely difficult in the service of assisting customers with customer training.

Afterward, Ecomdy Platform was created through API connection with the advantage of experience in technology and a high-quality technical team in order to serve customers in the best way.

The Solution

solution platform

Ecomdy Platform enables all users to improve their efficiency and productivity. Users can use this platform to manage advertising accounts, automatically create new accounts, see ad status, ad insight, and other advertising account metrics as well.

solution platform

With 24-hour support, the platform can help advertisers launch TikTok Ads while simultaneously verifying the link and the credit card they use to pay. In order to determine whether or not our customers' personal information is eligible to begin earning profits, we will conduct a comprehensive review that includes extensive consultation with them.

solution platform

In the near future, the Ecomdy Platform will be augmented with creative verification, which is also one of the biggest pain points for our customers, and from which detailed guidance can be provided on how to alter creative thinking when creating promotional videos.

Boost your sales with Ecomdy Media now!

CTA Ecomdy Platform

The Results

Since the platform was launched, thousands of customers have had higher efficiency for account creation & reporting. Since then, a series of advertising campaigns have been successfully posted on TikTok and brought super benefits to advertisers.

In addition, with many supporting features for advertisers, especially in terms of diversity and optimization in payment methods, users can now quickly operate and achieve the goals that they set out without having to worry based on convenience and safety. Then, 1200 active users have proven the success of Ecomdy Platform.

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Ecomdy Media - The best official TikTok Agency for Ecommerce.


HQ: 55 Le Quang Hoa - Danang - Vietnam



- 102 E Healey St #317 - Champaign, IL 61820, USA

- Mehdi Tower, Sharah e Faisal Rd, Karachi East, Pakistan

For business opportunity:

Phạm Trung Nghĩa - [email protected]

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